"Surface Of The Sun" Acrylic Art Design

The "Surface Of The Sun" Acrylic Art Design

Follow the journey of an Intergalactic traveler on the Federation Star Ship Utopia. Throughout his fantastic experiences, he records his travels by creating acrylic art pieces that describe what he views.

This log entry is titled, Surface Of The Sun.

"We just finished our last transport to the surface of the sun and as we were taking off from the Sun Station, we were forced to return to docking bay 5 due to a drastic increase in flares. That's OK though, since we're so close to home, the Captain has allowed our entire crew a 1 week leave to visit family and friends. Oh, I can smell the family kitchen already, can't wait to go home for a short while."

Surface Of The Sun Acrylic Art Design by Cameron Creations Ltd.